Wood Reflection

I thought the wood section was pretty interesting. Honestly, I’m not a very religious person so admiring wood and trees doesn’t necessarily remind me of god. However, I do love being outdoors and hiking and taking camping trips so of course I appreciate wood when I see it. These past two summers, my three sisters and I actually drove upstate where we could go hiking. We followed a 2-3 hour trail and we admired the peace and quiet and the beauty of the trees and scenery around us. On the first hike, we came across this teepee made out of sticks that was pretty cool (pictured below). On the second hike, we came across a big stone pit which was filled with branches and sticks which reminded me of a big bonfire (pictured below). This summer I also went on an amazing camping trip with two of my sisters and four of our friends, where we got to stay on a small island by ourselves. We all slept in this wooden treehouse (pictured below) with six cots. Also, we had to gather thick sticks for the fire at the end of the night and there was this one branch that we tried to cut for hours but unfortunately failed (pictured below). I always love coming across interesting sights, such as the teepee and pit, because it just highlights beauty in nature. Also, the fact that one wooden treehouse can hold up six adults and hours of failing to cut a branch with a handsaw, shows the natural strength and power the element holds. Lastly, I have these two trees in my backyard that my mom planted (pictured below). For some reason I think its funny how they’re the same age as my sister, 26. At the same time, they are so big and strong that it’s sometimes hard to believe my mom was the person who originally planted them. She connected herself to the earth through planting and to generations of families who will live in our house in the future.  

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1 Response to Wood Reflection

  1. wcturgeon says:

    I love the idea of planting a tree at the birth of a child. What a lovely way to honor your baby and trees.

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